Y de Chateau d' Yquem 2021

Y de Chateau d' Yquem 2021

Zum Winzer

Sauvignon Blanc 65%, Semillon 35%
weiß, trocken
14,5% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2025–2052
Verpackt in: 1er OHK
exotisch & aromatisch
Lobenberg: 100/100
Jane Anson: 98/100
Wine Cellar Insider: 98/100
Suckling: 97/100
Galloni: 96/100
Decanter zu 2020: 96/100
Frankreich, Bordeaux, Sauternes
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Heiner Lobenberg über:
Y de Chateau d' Yquem 2021


Lobenberg: 2021 war DAS Jahr für trockene Weißweine aus Bordeaux. In diesem Jahr können die Weißen aus dem Vollen schöpfen. Da steht natürlich der Primus inter Pares ganz vorne an. Y ist der beste trockene Weißwein aus Sauternes, Jahr für Jahr. Und in 2021 kommt er sogar mit noch mehr Eleganz ins Glas. Mit der ersten Botrytis geerntet, sorgt er wieder mal für eine tolle Fülle. In der Nase schweben Mandarinen, Quitten und Bergamotte. Am Gaumen zeigen sich warme Aromen von Pfirsich und Aprikose, die dann übergehen in eine feine Zitrusphase. Hinten raus feine salzige Anklänge und Bitter-Aromen von Pinien oder Sonnenblumenkernen. Der Y ist voll, komplex und hochkonzentriert, überzeugt aber vor allem durch eine filigranere, trinkigere Leichtigkeit gegenüber den Vorjahren. Ziemlich perfekt.


Jane Anson über: Y de Chateau d' Yquem

-- Jane Anson: A great example of this always-arresting dry white, with a ton of soft apple blossom aromatics, before drawing inwards to show scraping acidity, powerful white peach, quince, apricot and citrus flavours with a twist of lime juice, fennel and a salty tang of oyster shell and salted crackers. Has the richness, complexity and concentration that you find in Yquem, and although it won't have quite the same longevity, there is no issue with keeping this wine for 15 to 20 years. 7g/l of residual sugar, mainly from the Sémillon that is picked with the first bloom of botrytis, bringing an opulent, voluptuous feel that transmits the DNA of the property. Spends 12 months in 80% one year old barrels previously used for Château d'Yquem (of course fully washed and prepared, but still imparting a blush of rich flavour), together with 20% new oak. The 2021 vintage in Bordeaux was a better year for whites than reds, and this exceptional white wine is a great example. Last vintage with Sandrine Garbay as winemaker, leaving in 2022. 98/100


Suckling über: Y de Chateau d' Yquem

-- Suckling: Lime and spicy pear with crushed stone. Kumquats. Smoke and iron. Kiwi. Full and rounded with bitter pear and steel. Dried limes. Unique minerality. Bright acidity. Touch of sweetness at the end that makes it fascinating. 65% sauvignon blanc and 35% semillon. September release. Drink or hold. 97/100


Galloni über: Y de Chateau d' Yquem

-- Galloni: The 2021 Yquem was tasted in Amsterdam, the first wine poured at a lunch, thereby allowing me a longer period to examine it. Slightly burnished in hue, it has a very attractive bouquet with scents of dried quince, clementine, linseed and subtle candle wax, perhaps more discrete than usual, but certainly fresh and vibrant. The palate is medium-bodied and viscous on the entry, a Yquem with perhaps a lighter chassis than recent vintages, prioritizing poise and purity over horsepower— exactly the right approach in such a challenging season. It opens wonderfully in the glass, gaining more frangipane and kaki fruit scents, though it seems to have a lighter and more tensile finish than the 2020 or 2019. As such, I suspect that it will be comparatively approachable and, of course, delicious. Readers should note that I will probably re-taste the 2021 in Bordeaux during primeur. 96/100

Mein Winzer

Chateau d’Yquem

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Y de Chateau d' Yquem 2021