Monte Bello 2015

Ridge: Monte Bello 2015


Zum Winzer

Cabernet Sauvignon 80%, Petit Verdot 8%, Cabernet Franc 7%, Merlot 5%
rot, trocken
13,5% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2025–2060
Verpackt in: 3er
voluminös & kräftig
seidig & aromatisch
Lobenberg: 100/100
Suckling: 100/100
Galloni: 98+/100
Jeb Dunnuck: 98+/100
International Wine Report: 98/100
USA, Californien
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Heiner Lobenberg über:
Monte Bello 2015


Lobenberg: Dieser Wein wurde 2024 aus der exklusiven Kellerreserve des Weinguts released. Der 2015 Monte Bello genoss eine längere Maische-Standzeit als gewöhnlich, um die jahrgangsbedingt moderaten Gerbstoffe besser zu extrahieren. Wow, was für eine mystische Nase! Ich bin geflasht beim Reinriechen. Tiefdunkle, ätherische Aromen. Minze, etwas Eukalyptus, frisch gedrehte Erde, Rauch, Teer, Tabak, Zedernholz, duftendes Heu. Auch zart ätherisch duftende Piniennadeln kommen hinzu. Alles ist ultra komplex und mit Worten kann man diesem Wein-Wunder nur schwer gerecht werden. Bei jedem Reinriechen wandelt sich das Biest. Dunkle, dichte, seidige Pflaumen und Schwarzkirschen. Der Wein lächelt mich an und geht voraus, und ich eile diesem verträumten Wunder so schnell ich nur kann hinterher, ab in die verwinkelten Ecken der mystischen Aromen-Welt. Was für eine magische Entdeckungsreise! Im Mund trifft saftige, reife Frucht auf die Zunge. Auch hier kommt eine Aromenfülle aus der magischen Gewürzkiste hervor. Leder, Muskatnuss, ein Hauch Zimt. Die knackige Säure gibt dem Wein natürlich das Zeug noch weiter zu reifen, aber hier haben wir einen Wein, der in seinem ersten Trinkfenster angekommen ist und unendlich fasziniert. Die Tannine sind fein pudrig und dennoch zart griffig. Unique. Leider, wie immer bei Ridge Vineyards, wird dieser Late Release super limitiert sein. Ein berührender, sehr besonderer Wein, aus der Kellerreserve des Weinguts, vor Ort im November 2023 probiert. 100/100


Suckling über: Monte Bello

-- Suckling: The breathtaking nose of blackcurrants, forest berries, cedar and wet earth pulls you into this extremely concentrated but very elegant and precise masterpiece. The super-fine tannins are wrapped in perfectly ripe fruit right through the spectacular finish, with its notes of crushed stone and bitter chocolate. A cuvee of 77% cabernet sauvignon, 11% merlot, 7% petit verdot and 5% cabernet franc. Tasted at the Thomas Kammeier Monte Bello vertical. Drink or hold. 100/100


Galloni über: Monte Bello

-- Galloni: The 2015 Monte Bello will soon take its place among the greatest Monte Bellos ever made. Powerful, deep and explosive, the 2015 possesses magnificent concentration and richness in every dimension. Even with all of its raciness, the 2015 has terrific aromatic presence and regal tannins. 98+/100


Jeb Dunnuck über: Monte Bello

-- Jeb Dunnuck: A blend of 77% Cabernet Sauvignon, 11% Merlot, and the rest Petit Verdot and Cabernet Franc, the 2015 Cabernet Sauvignon Monte Bello is unquestionably going to be one of monumental vintages of this wine. Deep, incredibly concentrated, and powerful, yet also textured and perfectly balanced, this beauty gives up a huge nose of cassis, plums, spice box, graphite, and vanilla bean. With full-bodied richness on the palate, it starts out tight and firm yet blossoms with time in the glass (I followed this bottle for multiple days) and has an awesome mid-palate, building yet perfectly ripe tannins, and a rock star finish. It's about as classic a Monte Bello as they come and will require 4-6 years of bottle age (or more) and shine for three decades or more. 98+/100


International Wine Report über: Monte Bello

-- International Wine Report: -- IWR: The 2015 Monte Bello is another brilliant wine from the team at Ridge Vineyards, as this wine comes from a wonderful growing season, which certainly reflects in the quality. Composed of 77% Cabernet Sauvignon, 11% Merlot, 7% Petit Verdot and 5% Cabernet Franc this instantly begins to impress with its seductive aromatics of ripe blackberries and cassis woven together with spices, graphite and roasted coffee which all take shape in the glass. On the palate this possesses a gorgeous rich velvety texture with beautifully integrated tannins. It continues to impress with its incredible complex flavors and beautifully concentrated fruit, which is balanced by lovely underlying acidity that makes it nearly impossible to resist, even at this youthful age. The 2015 Monte Bello has it all, and while this is already utterly fascinating, it will only prove to become even more compelling over time. 98/100

Winzer über: Monte Bello

-- Winzer: -- Ridge Estate: The vines enjoyed a growing season gentler than the prior three. Although short on rainfall - and a continuation into the fourth year of drought - there was some rain in late spring. Cover crops, crucial for providing nutrients, grew well, imparting greater health to the vines. While the May rains were welcome, flowering was disrupted, causing poor fruit set in many blocks. Average summer temperatures at Monte Bello fell below normal; summer fog kept the nights cool. Once veraison was complete, we assessed the crop, and did minor thinning in the three petit verdot parcels. August's warm weather pushed ripeness along. - A small test-pick of a young chardonnay parcel showed flavors developing at lower brix, and we quickly harvested the twelve remaining lots. (The timing was ideal: red fermentations would finish soon, and the presses would be needed.) Within a week of barreling down the chardonnay juice, natural yeasts began fermenting, filling the room with a magnificent apple- and pear-like aroma. Now that most lots are dry, we have tasted through the cellar; the vintage looks promising. Through next summer, the barrels will be 'worked' (lees stirred and topped off every few weeks). As the wines age out, there will be considerable change to texture and complexity. Next August, we will taste and determine the assemblage. - Zinfandel's early harvest allowed us to finish picking Geyserville grapes by September 9. Again, timing was ideal: the crush equipment could be reconfigured for sorting Monte Bello fruit. After several years of overlap between varietals, this better separation between zinfandel and cabernet harvest dates permitted the majority of Monte Bello parcels to be sorted. This was important, for we were able to remove the unusually high percentage of green/immature 'shot' berries - a result of the disrupted flowering. Summer weather fluctuated wildly between hot and cold. Overall, temperatures were below average in this vintage. The most important heat, as far as flavor and tannin development were concerned, came in September. As in summer, the September heat waves were short-lived and followed by cool weather, giving the vines recovery time. - Unlike the past three Monte Bello vintages, when we faced the threat of rapid sugar development, ripening in 2015 was more gradual, and harvest slower-paced. This gave us time to thoroughly separate each vineyard parcel's high- and low-vigor areas for selective picking. In total, we fermented forty-six small lots, ranging in size from two to nine barrels. All four varieties fermented out beautifully, and produced great quality. In particular, petit verdot came back strong from a challenging 2014, and produced the most opaque wines of 2015. There are no surprises with the parcels that typically make up Monte Bello; they all have distinct vineyard character, and should make the selection. A couple of young-vine parcels are coming up in quality, and have started to show Monte Bello character. In January, once all the barrels have finished natural malolactic fermentation, blind tasting will begin for the first assemblage. Comparing growing seasons and wine character, 2015 is shaping up as very similar to 1995, which remains one of the finest vintages of that decade. Eric Baugher of Ridge (11 November 2015)

Weingut über: Monte Bello

-- Weingut: Unlike the past three Monte Bello vintages, when we faced the threat of rapid sugar development, ripening in 2015 was more gradual, and harvest slower-paced. This gave us time to thoroughly separate each vineyard parcel's high- and low-vigor areas for selective picking. In total, we fermented forty-six small lots, ranging in size from two to nine barrels. All four varieties fermented out beautifully, and produced great quality. In particular, petit verdot came back strong from a challenging 2014, and produced the most opaque wines of 2015. There are no surprises with the parcels that typically make up Monte Bello; they all have distinct vineyard character, and should make the selection. A couple of young-vine parcels are coming up in quality, and have started to show Monte Bello character. In January, once all the barrels have finished natural malolactic fermentation, blind tasting will begin for the first assemblage. Comparing growing seasons and wine character, 2015 is shaping up as very similar to 1995, which remains one of the finest vintages of that decade. Eric Baugher of Ridge (11 November 2015)

Mein Winzer


Gut eineinhalb Stunden südlich von San Francisco liegt das legendäre Weingut Ridge in den Santa Cruz Mountains, auf dem Gipfel des Monte Bello. Die letzten 15 Kilometer führen über verschlungene Serpentinen durch Redwoods und Eichenwälder bis hinauf zum Weingut, das auf 700 Metern liegt und...

Monte Bello 2015