Tinta Amarela 2017

Niepoort: Tinta Amarela 2017

Tinta Amarela 100%
rot, trocken
13,5% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2024–2048
Verpackt in: 6er
Portugal, Douro
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Weingut über: Tinta Amarela

-- Weingut: Our Tinta Amarela vineyard is 30 years old, planted in a 2-row “patamar” system. This wine was produced according to organic principles and certified as such in 2018. It is the first time that Niepoort has crafted a 100% Tinta Amarela wine. Tinta Amarela is not a very popular grape variety among viticulturists in the Douro as it has very thin skins and therefore easily succumbs to disease. In the cellar, Tinta Amarela is a grape which offers plenty of spicy notes and a pronounced vegetal character. The time of harvest is of utmost importance in order to strike the right balance between these two components. After the harvest, the wine fermented in conical stainless steel tanks at controlled temperatures and with the lowest possible level of extraction. Malolactic fermentation occurred in older French barrels where the wine also matured for a further 22 months. A light ruby colour, delicate aromas of fresh red fruits and a vegetal character typical of Tinta Amarela characterise this wine. The palate is crisp, lively and intense with red fruit notes and noticeable but well-integrated tannins. The wine offers a long finish and promises good cellaring potential.

Mein Winzer


Seit Dirk Niepoort, Nachfahre einer seit Generationen in Portugal lebenden holländischen Familie, 1987 im Betrieb Verantwortung übernahm, gehört das Weingut sicher wieder zu den Top-Adressen Portugals. Dirk Niepoort ist nicht nur ein genialer Rotweinerzeuger, der mit »Batuta« und »Charme« zwei...

Tinta Amarela 2017