Ill Lustros Brut Nature 2015

Gramona: Ill Lustros Brut Nature 2015



Zum Winzer

Xarello 70%, Macabeo 30%
weiß, trocken
12,0% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2024–2042
Verpackt in: 6er
voll & rund
exotisch & aromatisch
Lobenberg: 95–96+/100
Parker: 94/100
Penin: 94/100
Decanter: 93/100
Spanien, Penedes
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Heiner Lobenberg über:
Ill Lustros Brut Nature 2015


Lobenberg: Großer Stoff aus einem warmen, trockenen Jahr. Niedrigster Ertrag wegen des Klimas. Sehr konzentriert. Brut Nature, also keine Dosage. 8 Jahre auf der Hefe mit Naturkork. Hochreif geerntet aber ohne Überreife. Satte, volle Nase, reifes Steinobst mit Brioche und Nuss. Erstaunliche Frische im vollen Mund, total offenherzig, everybodys Darling, in seinem voluminösen Stil erinnert mich an die Grand Cru Gran Reserve von Clouet aus der Champagne. Rauch und Toast im Nachhall. Gastronomisch, jede(r) wird diese Cuvee mögen, herzergreifend lecker und hedonistisch mit Klasse. Die pure Wonne auf sehr gehobenem Niveau!


Parker über: Ill Lustros Brut Nature

-- Parker: The 2015 III Lustros Brut Nature was produced with a blend of 70% Xarel.lo and 30% Macabeo from the 22.5 hectares of the Font Jui vineyard (now mentioned on the labels). 2015 was warm and dry with low yields. The wine matured in bottle with the lees after refermenting in bottle closed with a cork stopper for close to eight years. It is a very intense and concentrated year, with complex aromas, expressive, elegant and balanced, with subtle smoke and toast aromas and a seamless palate that is velvety with abundant, very fine bubbles. From this year, the blend is different from that of Celler Batlle. 58,000 bottles produced. It was disgorged in November 2023.


Penin über: Ill Lustros Brut Nature

-- Penin: Golden leuchtend. In der Nase komplex. Feine Hefen, Nüsse, Kräutersäckchen und Brioche. Im Mund kraftvoll, geschmackvoll, schöne Säure, feine Perlen und leicht zartbitter.


Decanter über: Ill Lustros Brut Nature

-- Decanter: Lemon-coloured, ripe yellow apple, grape, and elegant yellow flower aromas. Expressive, refreshing mousse integrates well with ripe fruit, offering marigold, quince, kiwi, and creamy brioche flavours. Ripe white apple, green fig, honeyed aromas; palate opens with vanilla, sugared almonds, flashes of lavender, and orange blossom. Creamy, nutty, mature, balanced, with floral and patisserie notes. Brisk palate, firm mousse, lemon curd notes, developing into a bold, intense, savoury, mineral, resounding finish.

Weingut über: Ill Lustros Brut Nature

-- Weingut: Spring and winter brought rainfall for sustained plant growth, but not enough to generate reserves to overcome the accumulated drought. July saw temperatures of up to 40 °C, which led to a decrease in fruit production. The speed of ripening established a very precise harvest schedule to avoid over-ripening, which was completed satisfactorily and left the grapes in an impeccable sanitary condition. The elaboration of Lustros is 100% handcrafted. During the resting time in the silence of the cellar, we use natural cork stoppers, which favours the longest ageing periods. We use desks, and the stirring and disgorging are carried out by hand. Even the 100% compostable, plant-based cellophane wrapping is done by hand. It is a brut nature, the purest and most demanding expression of sparkling wines, with all the character of the land from which it comes. Golden in colour, the aromas are reminiscent of ripe stone and white fruit, as well as Mediterranean herbs. The ageing notes are very evident and show brioche, toasted bread crust and cinnamon, with a meaty touch. It is a fully gastronomic wine, structured, with a ripe freshness and a roundness full of character.

Mein Winzer


Seit 1850 wird in der Familie bereits Wein gemacht. Heute ist Gramona zweifelsohne einer der qualitativ überragendsten und imagemäßig bedeutendsten Schaumweinhersteller Spaniens. Das traditionsreiche Schaumweingut befindet sich gerade im Übergang zur ultra-talentierten sechsten Winemaker-Generation.

Ill Lustros Brut Nature 2015