Chateau Yquem 1er Cru Superieur 2001

Chateau Yquem 1er Cru Superieur 2001


Zum Winzer

Semillon 80%, Sauvignon blanc 20%
weiß, süss
13,5% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2015–2100
Verpackt in: 12er OHK
leicht süss
exotisch & aromatisch
Lobenberg: 100/100
Parker: 100/100
Suckling: 100/100
Falstaff: 100/100
Galloni: 100/100
Frankreich, Bordeaux, Sauternes
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Heiner Lobenberg über:
Chateau Yquem 1er Cru Superieur 2001


Lobenberg: Yquem ist groß, eine Legende, fast extraterrestrisch. Yquem ist elegant, cremig und frischer. Dabei immer ein süßer Charmeur. Nur dreimal vergab Robert Parker bis dato 100 Punkte für d'Yquem. Großer Stoff aus einem völlig unterschätzten Jahrgang. 2001 hagelt es 100 Punkte von allen Seiten. Mehr Erklärung braucht diese Ikone eigentlich nicht! 100/100


Parker über: Chateau Yquem 1er Cru Superieur

-- Parker: There are 10,000 cases of this perfect sweet white Bordeaux. The 2001 Yquem reveals a hint of green in its light gold color. While somewhat reticent aromatically, with airing, it offers up honeyed tropical fruit, orange marmalade, pineapple, sweet creme brulee, and buttered nut-like scents. In the mouth, it is full-bodied with gorgeously refreshing acidity as well as massive concentration and unctuosity. Everything is uplifted and given laser-like focus by refreshing acidity. This large-scaled, youthful Yquem appears set to take its place among the most legendary vintages of the past, and will age effortlessly for 75+ years. Anticipated maturity: 2010-2100+. 100/100


Suckling über: Chateau Yquem 1er Cru Superieur

-- Suckling: This is so layered and intense on the palate with lemons and dried pineapple, mango and honey. Full body, very sweet, but it remains tangy and vibrant. Shows such amazing balance and intensity. Crazy finish. Hints of vanilla and apple purée. One of the greatest Yquems ever. All about purity here. 100/100


Falstaff über: Chateau Yquem 1er Cru Superieur

-- Falstaff: Helles Gelbgold mit jungen Grünreflexen. In der Nase feine Tropenfrucht, nach Ananas, gelber Pfirsich, Noten von Crème brulée, etwas Honig und Brioche. Am Gaumen körperreich, üppiger Restzucker, der von einer rassigen Säurestruktur gekontert wird, trotz der Konzentration ungemein präzise und kristallklar, feine mineralische Würze, ungemeine aromatische Tiefe, bereits gut entwickelt, hat aber Potenzial für viele Dekaden. 100/100


Galloni über: Chateau Yquem 1er Cru Superieur

-- Galloni: Just weeks after tasting the 2001 Château d’Yquem at the estate, another bottle was served at a lunch in London and it was perfection. The aromatics are practically identical and likewise the palate, but this bottle, which had been decanted, displays a scintilla more tension, perhaps more 'vibrancy' that so effortlessly counterbalances the richness. Irrespective of points, it is simply one of the most magnificent wines of any kind that can pass your lips. 100/100

Wine Spectator über: Chateau Yquem 1er Cru Superieur

-- Wine Spectator: The greatest young Yquem I have ever tasted from bottle. Yellow, with a golden hue and an almost green tint. Intense aromas of botrytis, spices and blanched almonds follow through to honey, maple syrup, dried apricot and pineapple. Full-bodied, sweet, thick and powerful, with layers of fruit and a bright, lively finish. Coats the palate yet remains exciting. So balanced and refined, showing the pedigree that only this Sauternes estate can deliver. Best after 2012. 10,000 cases made. 100/100

Mein Winzer

Chateau d’Yquem

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