Chateau La Dominique Grand Cru Classe 2019

Chateau La Dominique Grand Cru Classe 2019


Zum Winzer

Merlot 85%, Cabernet Franc 13%, Cabernet Sauvignon 2%
rot, trocken
15,0% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2029–2049
Verpackt in: 6er OHK
voluminös & kräftig
Lobenberg: 96–97/100
Jane Anson: 96/100
Decanter: 96/100
Jeb Dunnuck: 95–97/100
Suckling: 95/100
Galloni: 94–96/100
Frankreich, Bordeaux, Saint Emilion
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Heiner Lobenberg über:
Chateau La Dominique Grand Cru Classe 2019


Lobenberg: Der direkte Nachbar von Château Cheval Blanc und Château Jean Faure. Auf ähnlichem Terroir mit hohem Cabernet Franc Anteil. Auf La Dominique wurde extrem investiert, zuerst im Weinberg und Keller, dann jetzt auch in Optik. Cheval Blanc und Jean Faure sind in ihrer Reinheit und Purismus schon übermächtige Nachbarn, aber 2019 ist nach dem sensationellen 2015er auf La Diominique wieder groß! Die Nase zeigt üppige rote Kirsche, frische Zwetschge, schöne weiche Frucht, dichter Mund, sehr konzentriert, süße fleischfruchtige Mitte, viel Druck und etwas trockenes Tannin, aber sehr balanciert und stimmig. Burgundisch fein in der toll ausgebildeten Kirschfrucht, superbe Frische, der der Wein macht richtig Freude. 2019 ist besser noch als der superbe 2015. 96-97/100


Jane Anson über: Chateau La Dominique Grand Cru Classe

-- Jane Anson: If you don't think that there is a human element to terroir, taste this wine against the 2010 - both excellent vintages but only this one lives up to the potential of the year. Layered and complexity, with blueberry, raspberry and cassis, alongside bracken, liqourice and tobacco leaf notes. Plenty of depth and grip to the tannins, and a mouthwatering finish. Julien Viaud consultant. Yann Monties, ex-Haut-Bailly, arrived as technical director for this vintage and together with director Gwendeline Lucas, began to make a host of small changes that have made a big difference. The 50th vintage of the Fayat family at La Dominique. 47hl/h yield, 50% new oak. 96/100


Decanter über: Chateau La Dominique Grand Cru Classe

-- Decanter: Aromatic and abundant on the nose, smells appealing and heady with floral touches alongside ripe red cherry and blackcurrant reflections. Amazing clarity to the fruit profile on the palate with such minerality driving the wine from start to finish. It has spicy tones, liquorice and toast that give texture and depth with acidity keeping things refreshing. Lovely grace. Tannins are fine and provide plenty of grip in the mouth supporting the fruit with excellent freshness and a wet stone character that puts you in St-Emilion. So charming, confident and characterful - lots to enjoy here. First full vintage with new technical director Yann and consultant Julien Viaud. Tasted twice. The 50th vintage at La Dominique since it was purchased in 1969. Drinking window: 2025-2045. 96/100


Jeb Dunnuck über: Chateau La Dominique Grand Cru Classe

-- Jeb Dunnuck: This estate has been on an upward trajectory recently thanks to the efforts of general manager Gwendeline Lucas. The 2019 Château La Dominique is terrific. A rich, beautifully concentrated Saint-Emilion, it has a sexy nose of blackcurrants, black raspberries, tobacco, and damp earth. With an almost Pomerol-like texture, it's deep, plush, and layered on the palate, with a great finish. The tannin quality is also beautiful, and while it's going to drink nicely right out of the gate, it's going to have two decades of more of prime drinking. 95-97/100


Suckling über: Chateau La Dominique Grand Cru Classe

-- Suckling: This is very perfumed, with dried flowers, chocolate and hints of nuts to the dark fruit, following through to a full body with layers of fruit and a ripe, rich finish. Plush and ripe, yet still formed and pointed. Needs time to open and come together. Try after 2024. 95/100


Galloni über: Chateau La Dominique Grand Cru Classe

-- Galloni: The 2019 La Dominique just shimmers with beauty. Bright, floral and vibrant, the 2019 is a total stunner. Freshly cut flowers, mint, cedar and red cherry jam open up in the glass, but it is the wine's purity that impresses most today. The oak and overall extraction - often an issue at La Dominique in recent vintages - are really well-judged. This is a fabulous showing. 94-96/100

Mein Winzer

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Chateau La Dominique Grand Cru Classe 2019