Clos Apalta 2020

Casa Lapostolle: Clos Apalta 2020


Zum Winzer

Carmenere 64%, Cabernet Sauvignon 19%, Merlot 15%, Petit Verdot 2%
rot, trocken
15,0% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2027–2050
Verpackt in: 6er OHK
seidig & aromatisch
voluminös & kräftig
Lobenberg: 98–100/100
Suckling: 99/100
Colin Hay: 97/100
Decanter: 97/100
Jeb Dunnuck: 97/100
Jane Anson: 96/100
Galloni: 96/100
Chile, Colchagua
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Heiner Lobenberg über:
Clos Apalta 2020


Lobenberg: Dieses Jahr besteht der Blend aus 64 Prozent Carmenere, 19 Prozent Cabernet Sauvignon, 15 Prozent Merlot und 2 Prozent Petit Verdot. Es strömt ein unglaublich verführerischer Duft aus dem Glas! Hammer! Pfirsich, Honigmelone und Kirschen in allen Formen und Farben. Florale Veilchen Aromen und sogar etwas Lavendel und Potpourri schweben darüber, gemeinsam mit der beinahe zarten Würze. Muskatnuss, Nelken und ein Hauch Vanille, mit etwas Zeit im Glas kommt duftiges Leder hinzu. Im Mund ist die Dichte des Weins absolut mind-blowing! Weil einfach alles dicht und konzentriert ist: Frucht, Tannine und Frische. Diese krasse Brombeer-Schwarzkirsch Komponente mit dunkler Lakritz, Bitterschokolade und zart rauchigen Aromen gibt den Ton an. Dann kommt aber schon die typische Finesse und Frische des Weins ins Spiel. Nichts ist schwer und alles ist wohldefiniert und am rechten Platz, samt der saftigen und samtig-runden Tannine. Ein Meisterwerk aus Chile! Die Carmenere macht den Wein unikathaft. In seinem Konkurrenzbereich ist er fast preiswert. Moderner toller Stoff. 98-100/100


Suckling über: Clos Apalta

-- Suckling: A really refined, expressive and layered Clos Apalta with fine olives, incense, cigar box, cocoa powder, Spanish chocolate, pencil shavings, graphite and fine spices. Juicy, bright and full-bodied palate with a fine saline, savory twist. Very long and juicy. 64% carmenere, 19% cabernet sauvignon, 15% merlot and 2% petit verdot. Real finesse from 2020. Drink from 2024. 99/100


Colin Hay über: Clos Apalta

-- Colin Hay: Gosh, this is lovely. There are plenty of very floral wines amongst this September’s releases on la place, but this is perhaps the most intensely floral aromatically of them all. Lily and iris, violet and a touch of rosemary and lavender, saffron and pollen grains too, beeswax, and copious black berry and stone fruit. There’s a little wood smoke too and a touch of Szechuan pepper. On the palate this is lithe and limpid, energetic and dynamic and rather more saline in its minerality than one expects from the nose, with plenty of salty liquorice. The tannins are of gossamer, though they build in the mouth, slowly shaping and sculpting the highly contoured, richly-detailed mid-palate. This is really excellent.97/100


Decanter über: Clos Apalta

-- Decanter: A great effort in the hot and dry 2020, COVID-19 vintage with the earliest harvest ever. The grand vin shows power, richness and tons of fruit but retains a sense of charisma and direction that is so compelling. Bright, forward, sleek and silky, tannins enrobe the palate creating a cushion for the ripe blackcurrants and blueberries, bright acidity and underlying spice to meld together. A large percentage of Carmenere at 64% gives the fragrance and backbone while 19% Cabernet Sauvignon adds texture and depth, 13% Merlot bringing freshness and acidity and 2% Petit Verdot adding spice, colour and richness. Only just beginning to really express itself with liquorice, eucalyptus, figs, plums and a salty-wet stone minerality that comes in on the finish. Despite the intensity, this is layered and well sculpted with tons of pleasure to be had with a few more years ageing. Ageing 27 months in 225L French oak barrels, 85% new, 15% two years old. 3.7pH. Winemaker and viticulturist Andrea Leon kept more leaf coverage, a thicker and higher trellis and natural cover crops during the vintage to moderate the high temperatures. Bottles for this, and the second wine, are now made in Chile as of this vintage and have reduced in weight by 10% in a bid to increase sustainability. Clos Apalta now also featuring its name embossed in the glass at the bottom of the bottle. 97/100


Jeb Dunnuck über: Clos Apalta

-- Jeb Dunnuck: The flagship 2020 Clos Apalta is based on 64% Carménère, 19% Cabernet Sauvignon, 15% Merlot, and 2% Petit Verdot and it was aged for 27 months in 85% new barrels. It takes the second wine and turns the dial up, offering a dense purple hue as well as gorgeous aromatics of red and black plums, smoked tobacco, fresh flowers, and spicy oak. Medium to full-bodied on the palate, it has beautiful depth and concentration, yet it stays light on its feet, has a beautiful sense of freshness, and ultra-fine, polished tannins. It's a stunningly good bottle of wine that offers pleasure today yet will benefit from 3-4 years of bottle age, and I would be shocked if it wasn't still drinking fabulously well at age 20.


Jane Anson über: Clos Apalta

-- Jane Anson: Enticing layers of tobacco, cocoa bean, redcurrant, blackberry and pomegranate. There are good acidities also to support the spicy core of toasted oak, cloves, liqourice, cigar box, Provence herbs, and soft, supple tannins. Small berries in this hot vintage (around two weeks ahead of average throughout the growing season) mean clear concentration and a lot of body, and the bell pepper and eucalyptus notes of this Carmanère-dominant wine are extremely welcome. Harvest finished on March 6, the earliest on record. Ageing in a mix of new and second-use barrels, with a long light toasting (this ageing changed as of the 2017 vintage, bringing down levels of new oak to 85%), 3.71ph, unfiltered and unfined. There has been a change to the bottles also, lowering their weight and ensuring they are produced in Chile itself. 96/100


Galloni über: Clos Apalta

-- Galloni: The 2020 Blend Clos Apalta is 64% Carménère, 19% Cabernet Sauvignon, 15% Merlot, and 2% Petit Verdot from Apalta, Colchagua. It was aged for 27 months in 85% new barrels. Rich purple in hue. The clearly defined, ripe, complex nose has a leafy character underlined by fruit such as prune and blueberry jam along with hints of pepper, tobacco and rosemary, all packaged in a cedar cigar box. Creamy and broad in the mouth with good volume. The firm flow is channeled by appreciable structure in which polished tannins set the tone for an expansive, indulgent profile. A genuine Michel Rolland interpretation of a year with a rapid ripening season. 96/100

Mein Winzer

Casa Lapostolle

In relativ kurzer Zeit schaffte Casa Lapostolle den Aufstieg zu einer Wein-Ikone Chiles. Das einzigartige Terroir wird mittlerweile in siebter Generation sorgfältig biologisch bewirtschaftet.

Clos Apalta 2020