Nach den beiden Ausnahme-Jahren 2015 und 2016 waren die Erwartungen für 2017 sowieso vorsichtig. Und dann kamen die ganzen Hiobsbotschaften, die wegen des Wetters einen riesengroßen Ernteverlust, bis hin zum Totalausfall, verkündeten. Aber was sagen die Winzer, wie sah das erhaltene Lesegut aus, wie ist die Prognose?
Andrew Black, der renommierte britische, in Bordeaux lebende Weinjournalist, hat sich wie jedes Jahr in seiner Wahlheimat umgehört, um herauszufinden, was wir vom anstehenden Jahrgang 2017 erwarten können. Hier ein paar gesammelte Stimmen …
Andrew Black – Première Presse
The 2017 Vintage Post-Malo
«In 2017, wine producers in many areas of Bordeaux and northern Spain had to contend with devastating spring frosts and drought. The realities of having to adjust to a smaller production and in some cases practically no crop at all in 2017 have been a major preoccupation for many growers. And while reports have suggested that undamaged vineyards may have produced high quality wines in this vintage, what about those vineyards hit by frost that re-budded and went on to produce a second generation crop? Did it ripen, and if so, could it really be as good as the first generation crop? With the malo-lactics completed, a somewhat clearer picture emerges of what turned out to be for some a year with two distinct vintages; for others an almost normal vintage; and for a number of unfortunate growers, no vintage at all.»
– Andrew Black
Frédéric Faye (Château Figeac):
«The IPTs are high, but the tannins are nicely integrated in the wine. The tannin index is one thing; the quality of the texture is another.»
«It’s a very fine year for Cabernet and particularly for our Cabernet Sauvignon planted on gravel. This is on a par with the Cabernet Sauvignon of the 2015 and 2016 vintages.»