Tinta Negra Vale de Sao Vicente 2022

Companhia de Vinhos dos Profetas e dos Villões: Tinta Negra Vale de Sao Vicente 2022

Zum Winzer

Tinta Negra, Bastardo, diverse autochthone Reben
rot, trocken
12,0% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2025–2040
Verpackt in: 6er
frische Säure
Lobenberg: 96–97/100
Portugal, Madeira
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Heiner Lobenberg über:
Tinta Negra Vale de Sao Vicente 2022


Lobenberg: Tinta Negra von gut 5 Millionen Jahre alten vulkanischen Böden. Der Wein wächst auf der kleinen vorgelagerten Insel Porto Santo, im nördlichen Tal Sant Vicente, benamt nach dem Schutzheiligen der Winzer. 40 Jahre alte Reben, von Hand gelesen. Zu 70% entrappt und 30% Fullbunch zusammen spontan vergoren, über 40 Tage auf den Schalen verbleibend. Dann im gebrauchten Fass ausgebaut. Sattes Rubinrot mit violetten Reflexen. Satte rotbeerige Nase mit Rauch. Reife Zwetschge, Rumtopf, Fruchtkaltschale, blaue und schwarze Beeren mit Holzkohle im Hintergrund. Konzentrierter Mundeintritt, viel Gripp, feinköringes Tannin und große Frische. Sattes Fruchtfinale mit Salz, man meint das nahe Meer zu schmecken. Die hohe und gleichwohl charmante Intensität steht für Minuten. Ein sehr fruchtstarker Wein mitten aus dem Meer. 96-97/100

Weingut über: Tinta Negra Vale de Sao Vicente

-- Weingut: Madeira island emerged 5.6 million years ago in the Atlantic Ocean, with its soils being acidic and volcanic. Known as a maritime route to the Americas and the India, it was a mandatory stop for supplies and the wonder- ful Madeira wines that brought it fame. The name 'Villões' is the nickname that the inhabitants of the small island in front, Porto Santo, with only 3 thousand inhabitants in contrast to Madeira's 300 thousand, give to the Madeirans. The name comes from the word 'vila' (city) and has gained a double connotation today from the part of the 'Profe- tas' (people from Porto Santo). The grape Tinta Negra is part of the ancient composition of grapes of the Madeira Island, still being today the base for the wines that make this island famous. Rare, it is also found in small quantities in other regions close to the ocean, being known as Molar in Colares, where it is almost extinct, or Saborinho in the Azores, where it’s being recovered, and Tinta Bastardo in the Canary Islands, with little expression. Do not mistake this varietal with Bastardo (aka Trosseau), its half-sister. The São Vicente area is known as the place where Tinta Negra is grown on the north side of the island. The valley, nestled between two mountains, benefits from a special microcli- mate that allows for better maturation. The naming of the valley São Vicente is attributed to the appearance of Saint Vincent to the local population in the hollow of a rock, leading them to build a chapel in his honor, as he is a highly revered saint. It is no coincidence that Saint Vincent is also the patron saint of winegrowers and vineyards! Traditional trellis vines. Age of the vineyards is around 40 years old. Volcanic soils, leptosols, or andosols, pH between 4.6 and 6.3 (neutral to slightly basic). Located in the valley of São Vicente, in the north shore of Madeira Island. The grapes were harvested manually, trans- ported in 20kg boxes and selected at a sorting table. Destemming 70% and whole bunch 30%. Fermentation occurred sponta- neously, followed by 40 days of maceration. Aging 8 months in used French oak barrels. Bright ruby violet color. Intense nose, with dark red fruit, moss, and mineral charcoal notes. Fresh attack, textured, with a lot of concentra- tion and complexity. The acidity is always present, persistent tannins, and a long finish.

Mein Winzer

Companhia de Vinhos dos Profetas e dos Villões

Mastermind Winzer António Maçanita hat dieses großartige Projekt auf den Inseln Madeira und Porto Santo gemeinsam mit Nuno Faria, dem renommiertesten Gastronom der Insel, ins Leben gerufen. António ist wahrscheinlich der talentierteste und dynamischste Jungwinzer Portugals. Er hat seine Finger in...

Tinta Negra Vale de Sao Vicente 2022