Guarita da Chocapalha Alicante Bouschet 2016

Quinta de Chocapalha: Guarita da Chocapalha Alicante Bouschet 2016

Zum Winzer

Alicante Bouschet 100%
rot, trocken
14,5% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2024–2046
Verpackt in: 3er OHK
voluminös & kräftig
Lobenberg: 94–96/100
Parker: 96/100
Wine Enthusiast: 94/100
Falstaff: 94/100
Portugal, Lisboa
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Heiner Lobenberg über:
Guarita da Chocapalha Alicante Bouschet 2016


Lobenberg: Alicante Bouschet ist DER Geheimtip in Portugal. Unique, roter Saft auch ohne Schalenkontakt und immer eine Mischung im Mund aus Blut, Eisen, Cranberry und roter Johannisbeere. Immer etwas herb, nie marmeladig oder süß im Saft. Schräg und spannend! Fast 2 Jahre im Fass ausgebaut und dann noch Jahre der Flaschenlagerung. Der Wein braucht das aber auch. Sehr frisch, sehr strukturiert. Etwas trocken im Tannin, auch typisch für die Rebsorte, gleichwohl immer reif und niemals grün. Eben nur eigen im Stil. Spannend anders.


Parker über: Guarita da Chocapalha Alicante Bouschet

-- Parker: The 2016 Guarita da Chocapalha is an Alicante Bouschet aged for 22 months in 30% new French oak. It comes in at 14.6% alcohol. A bit more forward, says the winery (and I agree), than the dense and very ripe 2015 seen a couple of years ago, this is just gorgeous, a great success for this rare brand. This opens emphasizing its freshness and structure. It's bright and just a little piquant, relative to Alicante. The tannins make this gripping and lively, but they are never harsh or particularly astringent. Once past the fresh opening, this very elegant Alicante opens up and shows off its strong personality. It becomes very Alicante-ish, if I can put it that way. The big finish is filled with flavor, including some classic hints of beef. It is very expressive. The structure supports this well, the controlled power gripping the palate while the fruit asserts itself. This brand hasn't had a chance to develop much of a track record, but this looks like it can age. It is also drinkable now, although nowhere near peak. This will not be made every year, but the 2017 is already planned. This is sourced from a single parcel with 32-year-old vines. There were approximately 2,500 bottles produced. 96/100


Wine Enthusiast über: Guarita da Chocapalha Alicante Bouschet

-- Wine Enthusiast: A big wine in every sense, this is rich and concentrated. The power and dark color are enhanced even more by the solid black fruits and the tannins that are now fully integrated. While the wine is ready to drink, it has more years ahead. Drink now or wait until 2024. 94/100


Falstaff über: Guarita da Chocapalha Alicante Bouschet

-- Falstaff: Dunkles Rubin. Edle Aromatik von eingemachten Zwetschgen, Amarenakirsche, orientalische Gewürze, etwas Zartbitterschokolade, balsamische Noten. Am Gaumen von schöner Fülle, kräftig mit feinem Tannin und reifer, erfrischender Säure. Lang und kräftig.

Mein Winzer

Quinta de Chocapalha

Dieses aufregende und beste Weingut in Portugals Estremadura (nur 30 Kilometer von Lissabon) verdanken wir – wie so vieles – der Begeisterung der jüngeren Generation für den Wein und ihre eigene Region.

Guarita da Chocapalha Alicante Bouschet 2016