Flaccianello 2010

Fontodi: Flaccianello 2010


Zum Winzer

Sangiovese 100%
rot, trocken
15,0% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2016–2038
Verpackt in: 6er
frische Säure
seidig & aromatisch
Lobenberg: 97–98/100
Parker: 97+/100
Galloni: 96+/100
Wine Spectator: 96/100
Italien, Toscana, Chianti und Vino Nobile
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Heiner Lobenberg über:
Flaccianello 2010


Lobenberg: Der Flaccianello ist vermutlich der perfekteste Finesseausdruck aller reinsortigen Sangioveseweine aus dem Chiantigebiet. Ein Château Cheval Blanc Saint Emilion aus der Toscana und meiner Meinung nach der einzige Gegenspieler der perfekten Brunelli von Valdicava, Poggio di Sotto und Salvioni aus dem Chianti! Somit einer der wenigen autochthonen Weine der Toscana überhaupt mit wirklicher Größe! 97-98/100


Parker über: Flaccianello

-- Parker: Now to a superstar of Italian enology: The 2010 Flaccianello della Pieve will take your breath away. This is a seriously beautiful Sangiovese-based wine with the kind of intensity and aromatic purity you only experience every 1,000 wines or so. There’s a lot to say here. First, the wine’s beautiful appearance shows dark garnet colors with highlights of ruby and purple gemstone. The bouquet delivers a steady and seductive evolution with dark cherry, chocolate, spice, tobacco and sweet almond all seamlessly balanced one against the other. Its texture and inner fabric is rich, velvety and firm. There’s a brilliant spot of acidity that hits you at the back of the mouth and helps the wine from feeling too heavy or dense. In fact, outstanding elegance is what ultimately sets it apart. The temptation to drink it now is huge, but those still young tannins definitely need a few more years to unwind. Anticipated maturity: 2015-2035. 97+/100


Galloni über: Flaccianello

-- Galloni: Dark, rich and powerful, the 2010 Flaccianello wraps around the palate with serious depth and density. The aromas and flavors are totally alive in the glass. Smoke, tobacco and savory herb notes add complexity over time. Initially quite muscular, the 2010 finds quite a bit of finesse with time in the glass. The 2010 Flaccianello is exceptional, but the competition is tough this year at Fontodi! Still, the sensation of tannin is virtually nonexistent in a Flaccianello that is all about elegance and pure refinement. 2018-2030 96+/100


Wine Spectator über: Flaccianello

-- Wine Spectator: A linear, taut version, somewhat austere in profile, with racy acidity driving the black cherry, black currant and violet flavors. Intense and persistent, it's long and more mineral than the '11 at this stage. -- Non-blind Flaccianello vertical (July 2014). Best from 2017 through 2033. 5,000 cases made, 2,000 cases imported. 96/100

Mein Winzer


Das Landgut Fontodi liegt nahe Panzano im Herzen des Chianti-Classico-Gebietes und ist eines der absoluten Flaggschiffe der Toskana. Von hier aus blickt man in die südlich von Panzano gelegene Conca d’Oro, die "Goldmulde", jenes Tal, dessen Name schon seit Jahrzehnten für die prächtige Südhanglage...

Flaccianello 2010